New American Dream : Jack Blood Revolutionary on the Radio – For seventeen years he has been a talk show host. His program was recently withdrawn from the GCN network. The reason given by GCN is they won’t approve of one of those advertisers jack blood – neo cons gone wild – the animated insinuations of the political establishment that GCN originally suggested to jack blood. Jack blood was interested in running an AD that they contracted. Probably for personal reasons. Because jack blood had one of the biggest shows on GCN. More affiliates and listeners than most. According to jack blood, seeing a guest attending a larger cn, for him it’s something to be proud of, a thing that’s best for his life. During jack blood’s career, he suggested that his career at was the best chance that jack blood could broadcast uncensored for the first time in his career. Fu radio is where fu stands for freedom underground. Furadio is the station that they built themselves and run until now, and archives are free for all. According to his staff, jack blood will be relaunched from the WFU network.
Blood is the name of the great grandparent jack blood. Since grandparent jack blood only has daughters, so jack finally adopts a blood name, whereas his real name is Samuel Clemens. Jack blood is born in Seattle, he’s grown up and he lives in many cities: Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Orleans, phoenix, and many more. Jack blood was an 80-90 musician, of his career on the radio, and one day while jack was living in providence Rhode Island, he saw an AD for radio producers in the local newspaper. Jack blood had experience as a Seattle kcmu correspondent in 1983, not only did jack get a job, but in two years jack ran two 50,000 watts station for a six-figure salary. Jack gave himself a radio show, a fuzzbox, in 1995 which commented mostly on music and culture. In early 2001 buzz won the presidential election, a live deadline was born and the rest was history.

When jack was asked about his comfort and enjoying his career on the radio, he remarked not very much, that jack blood preferred and enjoyed most. Jack is in the final stages of his radio career. He also added to read his crazy stuff online at Jack also worked on an Internet TV show, and he gathered activist groups around the world called project 1000.